Tuesday, April 26, 2011

short post is short :D

Long day is long. But I am awesome... short post incoming:

Sorted out  alot of room type stuff today. Like.. made a hangy pole thing to put hangers on
for my clothes...


ciao :D

Monday, April 25, 2011

16 days now...

hairclips, a ring.... black and white is handcore...

Back from easter break, and boy do my feet hurt! Actually, I have absolutely no idea whatsoever why my feet hurt. I havent actually done much...

For some reason my Ma and I are now watching four weddings and a funeral..

And.. let's see... Im tired :)

Ciao and enjoy the stuff i bunged in here :D

doodles... note the bottom one - which is wholemeal playing with a cat

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Ofcourse, I'm referring to the video kind. Firstly, I really shouldn't be blogging. I have all this stuff I should be doing, but guess what? I have a plan. The plan is to build up to this work, and do it from a certain time.

Anyway, videogames. Theyre terrible in the sense that I spend waaaay too much time on a GBA emulator, fangirling on Vincent Valentine, or thinking about my true love... tetris. I like the idea of RPGs and.. perhaps more specifically JRPGs, but I suck at finishing them. I would like to blame my brother for this, as he was the owner of most of our gaming platforms, therefore has say over who plays, what is played and when games are played.

But as I age, I am conquering my previous fails. That is, I've beaten KH2 with one run through - i didnt have to go back looking for anything and I owned the heck out of everything with the ultima weapon.. And I'm well on my way with FF7, seeing as I've managed to get all the characters so far on my own (i never said sans a walkthrough). and so on..

So, peace and love.. I better get back onto my slackarse uni stuff. ciao :D

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

the other day i was trying to be positive

Then again, it was a significant amount of time ago... but anyway... I made a list of things that I like. So I guess day by day, I will list them, describe and try my hardest to have an accompanying picture-type-thing.

Number One: Food.

In my google reader (these things are awesome - sadly, they are terribly addictive, i spend all my time looking at pictures of cats, dogs, food and comics instead of things like Facebook updates.. improvement? I think so) I've subscribed to some feeds about food, such as The Kitchn, Just Bento, and a few others.

When I lived with my dad, he did all the cooking. I barely knew how to make toast, let alone cook. But after moving in with my ma, i discovered cooking and the awesomeness of it all. I love the prep, the smells, being the first one to stick my (clean) finger in something to see if it's ok and all of the above. It's therapeutic for me, and is always a nice way to end my day... although Uni has ruined this recently. I get home sometimes around 6 and Litia (the awesome older lady who has been coming to do things like cleaning and whatnot) is often the one to make up for my tardiness on some days.

When it comes to what I like to eat, there's an.. odd, i suppose, variety of things. There's dhal, a lentil soup I've loved for ages and ages, and sashimi, sushi, salads, steaks, stir fry things, noodles.. a whole bunch of things. And, of course, theres chocolate. Sadly, I have developed some sort of super-speed eating habit, and this is mostly associated with things like chocolate. Good things never last.. /sigh :P

Alrighty then, that'e enough from me for today, stay tuned for the update tomorrow (hopefully) - "GAMES"

<---This is good for you.. because it is food.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


so. interesting week has gotten a little more.. interesting. lady problems crashing the party, bringing nausea, discomfort and cramps to the party of life. oh the number? thats how many days ive spent in a hotel so far. i am the winnarrrrr...

so yes. have picture. i am going to lie down. :D
bye. :)

Monday, April 11, 2011


yes, it's time for your regularly scheduled procrastination.

It's me. Obviously. Anyway, don't feel like creatively writing at the moment. I will in a while. Just a few life-updates.

Haven't put a number to it, but feeling highly blegh. As in, "damn-girl-you-re-getting-a-little-round-in-them-places". As in weight gain. Im totally feeling it. And Ive just dropped a paperclip in my cup of cold home-made cappuccino. That was odd.

Also, have been listening to "Fire Coming Out Of A Monkey's Head". I got the album, all CD and the like, a few years ago. It makes doing dishes awesome. I highly recommend.

Anyway, I better go do something else now. Ciao :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


A is for alone
feeling quite.. alone. in a physical sense. but i prefer it at the moment. i dont want to be crowded, and with some family around, i feel claustrophobic, but wholemeal makes it so much better

B is for boiled water
for noodles for lunch. they comfort me. theyre familiar.

C is for cancer
that my mam is dealing with. im always so scared that i wont be able to do enough for her. i try, but i'll never really know.

D is for distance
that hurts the heart, but the ties to that place faraway stops the pain and sends me love and smiles.

E is for elephants
forever my symbol, of something exotic, interesting and wise

F is for father
the one i miss ever so much

G is for greens with dinner
to keep up my strength, health and whatnot.

H is for heart, strong but hesitant
that is no longer mine, and has been promised to be kept safe and warm

I for me, myself and I
not number one, but myself none the less.

J is for juice that never seems to be there
that runs out so quickly

K is for karma
that bites you in the butt or glides you through your day

L is for life and love
two things thatre very important.

M is for money
that cold thing, yet so important..

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

so i'm trying

but its really hard to work. you want to know what i did today? i watched that 70s show and replace my atm card. the guy at the bank tried to make me do that sms banking thing. it was liek "uhh.. im sorry i have to go". and by go i meant away. i went and had an iced coffee and i thunked. i thinked and thunked and stuff fell out. i came up with more ideas for books. the main one was about my dad. so i do i plan on dealing with it all by writing, then drawing, about it. think along the lines of persepolis, just not as good. i suppose. so. long night ahead. im going to get wholemeal to force me to work. i can work, but.. i just... i just sit down and my mind wanders and i get sad. he stops me from being sad.
cheerio (and hopefully more cheer later) .

Sunday, April 3, 2011

nearly how long?

Thats so awesome. I want that mug. just because. Ok, so i havent been blogging for a long while. Ive had uni (is getting gosh darn hectik - i got 8/aprox250 votes...) but yes. damn you ethnocentric politics! damn yewww... anyway.. its a week to my dads 4 years and someone close to me has lost someone. It makes me think... well.. it makes me feel... a little useless. How am i to help? because i want to. Ive lost my grandfather and my dad and the thing is.. they were both very different experiences. I was 12 or so when i lost my grandpa. I was in class 7, and i got pulled out of school. i remember being told by a classmate that i shouldnt be allowed to wear a black ribbon because "he was my grandfather, he wasnt close to me". the old man would let me help him with his insulin shots. i was, for a short while after, obsessed with the idea of becoming a doctor or scientist. i wanted to cure diabetes. when i lost my dad i was so.. lifeless. my dad was the guy i grew up with, looked up to. i inherited the animal love, the love of cooking, the eyebrows, forehead and fascination with storybooks. dad was always there.. until i moved out of his place and in with my mum. it was getting hard for me to stay there. (however that couldve been some odd childish thought). 11 months after leaving his place, i got the phone call. my ma was in aus, and i had just managed to figure out chicken drumsticks. i was told that my dad was in the hospital that was 15 minutes away by foot, or less. i was told to wait for the car. my dad was gone well before i had been told. the memory hasnt faded.. but ive grown a bit to know that its not something to wail about. sure, there are tears when its brought up.. but.. im sure ive mentioned the boy with the bread who has given me the strength to say hi to my dad without tears. so... as a last couple of words... life ends before we expect it to. doesnt mean that its early. its on time, its just that we dont want it to. we're mortal creatures. let's not waste time on negative thoughs, actions or in a manner of dwelling that only hurts ourselves. live life, love and sleep.