Thursday, April 21, 2011


Ofcourse, I'm referring to the video kind. Firstly, I really shouldn't be blogging. I have all this stuff I should be doing, but guess what? I have a plan. The plan is to build up to this work, and do it from a certain time.

Anyway, videogames. Theyre terrible in the sense that I spend waaaay too much time on a GBA emulator, fangirling on Vincent Valentine, or thinking about my true love... tetris. I like the idea of RPGs and.. perhaps more specifically JRPGs, but I suck at finishing them. I would like to blame my brother for this, as he was the owner of most of our gaming platforms, therefore has say over who plays, what is played and when games are played.

But as I age, I am conquering my previous fails. That is, I've beaten KH2 with one run through - i didnt have to go back looking for anything and I owned the heck out of everything with the ultima weapon.. And I'm well on my way with FF7, seeing as I've managed to get all the characters so far on my own (i never said sans a walkthrough). and so on..

So, peace and love.. I better get back onto my slackarse uni stuff. ciao :D

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