Monday, February 28, 2011
Uni is difficult
Sunday, February 20, 2011
streaming live from my head again...
I grew up believing in divorce. My parents were divorced from when I was 3. I never dreamt about getting married and living happily ever after. I was never the tragically locked up princess; I was the crazy run-around-with-no-shoes-on-and-play-with-the-dogs day dreamer. I loved the mud between my toes, a stick in one hand, my other holding a tree I may’ve been “hiding” behind, stories to adventure in my head; adventures where I was all on my own, apart from a dog or two, traversing wild plains and lush forests. I would never want to be the spunky heroine who would shack up with the cute guy and then go into retirement to be a mum.
What’s one to do as a mum anyway? How does the heroine adjust? She can’t go off to save the world because she’s breastfeeding. She has to stay at home because there has to be someone to do the dishes, feed the cat, walk the dog, weed the garden, look after the baby and make delicious dinners. She’s going to wither away, go insane in the domestic, mundane-ness of it all. She’s he exotic flower transplanted into your backyard; a terrible idea.
More to come? Maybe, maybe not :)
i start uni tomorrow.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
the first proper day
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
The curious case of the bread and butter
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Interesting day today
So, that's a quote (for all you uncultured swine out there.. I jokes, I'm sure you aren't swine even if you haven't read it or soon the TV series) from Pride and Prejudice. Almost every girl or woman who has read that book must've had their hearts beat wildly at this part of the book. Mr Darcy is quite the heart throb, but to all you ladies out there let me tell you: Mr Darcy may have been wonderful, but his actions at the beginning were.. less than nice. I'm glad my Better-Than-Mr-Darcy (also referred to as Wholemeal) was never cruel, mean or, for some time, nearly destroyed the happiness of my eldest sister. Technically, he could never have done thing to me; I have no sisters.
This is the cutest thing ever. First things first: I'm not the only one wondering "how in the heck did that zebra get up there?". The reason why I like this picture was because it reminds me of this. That link there is to the cutest part of Ponyo. Sure, it's anime, but who doesn't love a good Hayao Miyazaki film? All of them are adorable, well made and awesomely awesome. I'm totally going to make Wholemeal watch all of them. Or he can get them and bring them here when he eventually gets back for that thing that they call summer all the way over there. Yes. THERE.
Aren't these two the cutest? Mr and Mrs Shaker. Salt and Pepper. So cute. I dont know if they are shakers or not, but that doesnt make them any less cute either way. Was listening to the BBC World Service earlier today and there was this conversation thing going on that I caught the tail end of. They were talking about pressures to have a family, the difficulties it creates with art and other things. I can say that there are those who are unhappily married, happily married, happy singles and unhappy single people. The thing is that happiness is a matter of personal outlook. If there's something that makes you unhappy, change it. If you have no control of it, let it go. Life comes and goes and there's just you. You can have that special person to stand next to to pass the time, and the best thing is to have that one person to share everything with. That person, however, must be as equally wanting to be there as you. What I mean is that they should love you, and you them. Always have something true, something worthwhile. If you don't, then you're just wasting your time.
Lastly, the awesomest word I've come across lately. Look at the dictionary. Look at the end of the letter E. Add an "S" before every word that begins with "EX". Hours of fun. Have your friends around and say things all sleazy and make funy faces. Like i said, hours of fun. It may actually just bea few minutes, but hey, the memories will last a lifetime. Wholemeal introduced me to this concept. I'd never thought about it before. Also the word made more of an impact because I've been feeling... less than awesome. Yes, I'm lazy. yes, I dont like "working out". Why? I feel stupid doing random things in a room with a whole bunch of fit people. I don't have the most time, and I dont really care. I eat healthy, sure I treat/spoil myself with the occasional up noodle or chocolate bar, but I'm not crossing over into any danger zone. I've been like this for a few years now. I've got my little-big belly that many make the "omg its like a pillow!" comment that makes me go "yes, Im handy to have around". I'm nicer to hug because of the soft-padding. I'm not uber unfit. I can walk for ages if my shoes allow. I'm not weak.