Friday, October 29, 2010

Why would you do this to me Will Smith?
mooooovie O_O

I know, I know... Im the last one to watch I Am Legend, but that didnt make it any less heart-wrenching. I love dogs, and German Shepherds will always have a place in my heart, and i cried so much in fear of what would happen to Sam... (thats will smiths dogs name). I read half the wiki article, so was very lost halfway through. I was crying like nobodys business, squealing because im easily scared and the zombie-things were relatively terrifying (thank god teh movie is old and the CGI isnt as good as it would be if the movie was more recent..). I know I should be studying, but.. I got hungry and had some breakfast, watched I Robot, then found I Am Legend and thought "hey.. people say this is a good movie... but sad... hmmm... let me see how good it is". So am watching Under The Red Hood to make me happier, and to keep me company while I eat this reheated leftovers from what mightve been Wednesday. I cant remember. So yeeeees... Ill probably look over some physics later today.. or try at least. /shrug. Alrighty then.. less crying, more nomming! :D
daww lookit the puppy :)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

treating myself :)

To treat myself for analysing an extract of prose, I took a photo, and make it into this. im in love with illustrator. sorry wholemeal, but you cant make my pixels into vectors :P so yeeeees. i think im getting the hang of this study thing... a little too late? psh. i have two weeks before the english exam, and one to my first exam, my favourite subject... yes, mathematics :)

Playing with illustrator and flash..

I had drawn my face on a little mirror, so photo'd it, then flash-lined, then illustrator played. all done with a mouse so.. yeah... is difficult.. and yes, avoidance activity..

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Monday, October 25, 2010

Ever so long...

Yes, i know, i havent blogged in a long while.. but i have fair reason.. i have exams coming up, and ive been very busy finishing high school and being ever so caught up on Wholemeal, its just been a very long couple of weeks... Guess what? Tomorrow is our 4 months, and apparently its lame when you count the months (should be years or something but im still getting used to the idea of having someone who makes me so happy, let alone counting years) but what others think and feel doesnt bother me. Sure, i care how my family are affected, but.. im allowed happiness right? i know i have to keep things in perspective, focus on these last four weeks and do well with my exams, but the hardest thing right now is just telling myself that i need to do these things for myself. I know i owe so much to my family for all their love and support... i know that, but i feel like a douche for feeling like i cant say these things out loud, to them. im scared they wont believe me because of how much ive messed up, how often ive forgotten which way im supposed to go. i know i have to make practical decisions, but sometimes i just want to give up aiming for a job that makes me the right amount of money and just.. aim for what i want to do. Yes, comics and books and drawings are so incredibly impractical, and isnt it a good thing that i know that? oh well... i know this probably doesnt make any sense whatsoever, so im just going to put another picture to finish this all off. I cant promise any more blogging until after exams... so yeah. Just putting that out there. Peace ? :)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Holidays nearly over :(

Silly holidays, all wanting to be over to spoil my laziness. been eating waaay too much. i cant help it: food is good, and i have a lot of relatively free time. I also found out just how much i depend on the internet... i need it to pass the time (honestly i dont, it just makes time passing easier) and i dont like not being able to easily communicate with certain people (like wholemeal...). sure sure, call me lame or whipped or hopeless but i dont care. it's nice having someone and whats the point of life if you dont have that person to share it with. i mean, sure there will always be families and friends (however these seem to be dwindling for me at the moment...) but its not the same (im too lazy to punctuate tyvm). So dinner soon and hopefully i wont die or explode. ah well, a little extra tummy is good for an emergency pillow imo. is handy and whatnot. or something. idk. just trying to feel better. :)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Catching Up.

Hey! Long time no blog! Ive had holidays, and my internet at home is still of the buggered up. What have I been up to? Oh, nothing much really. Just the usual: going to school, remaking songs from Annie all impromptu like, playing minecraft and saying inappropriate things about boobs. and the like :)

So yea, i have a few weeks of real school left before the big exams and guess whos terrified? Thats right! I am! /sigh. I just cant wait for it to be all over. That would be nice :)

So yes, i have still be drawing, the last thing i did was Wholemeal in a pink princess dress taking a stroll to get out of his peanut butter castle while being accompanied by unicorns and rainbows and butterflies. I think i need to sleep a lot more :P alrighty then. I guess I better get back to work! cheery bye!