Friday, October 29, 2010

Why would you do this to me Will Smith?
mooooovie O_O

I know, I know... Im the last one to watch I Am Legend, but that didnt make it any less heart-wrenching. I love dogs, and German Shepherds will always have a place in my heart, and i cried so much in fear of what would happen to Sam... (thats will smiths dogs name). I read half the wiki article, so was very lost halfway through. I was crying like nobodys business, squealing because im easily scared and the zombie-things were relatively terrifying (thank god teh movie is old and the CGI isnt as good as it would be if the movie was more recent..). I know I should be studying, but.. I got hungry and had some breakfast, watched I Robot, then found I Am Legend and thought "hey.. people say this is a good movie... but sad... hmmm... let me see how good it is". So am watching Under The Red Hood to make me happier, and to keep me company while I eat this reheated leftovers from what mightve been Wednesday. I cant remember. So yeeeees... Ill probably look over some physics later today.. or try at least. /shrug. Alrighty then.. less crying, more nomming! :D
daww lookit the puppy :)

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