Thursday, June 17, 2010

Im quite tired, but then again what else is new?

I have something big to do. I am going to have to rush through it, and the only one i have to blame is myself. Im exhausted. I didnt sleep much last night... because of certain people who i am acquainted with, and i dont blame the person. I had to deal with school after that, then a little bit of work-related things, then a mini crisis of a friend (i hope youre okay now, dude, if youre reading this..). on top of all this, im going to die because school is lame.

Im very much looking forward to my birthday, and im sure it wont crash and burn (as earlier predicted by my paranoid self). I dont think that i care any more about my mam being there. i love her, and im glad shes part of my birthday. Im also glad she knows s\who she knows, because she might let some of my friends (and i) go out to look at the clubs. im not a club person, seeing as i inherited the inability to dance from my father. hehe, the benefits of being half caste are plenty. Lacking the ability to dance : not a benefit.

I cant be bothered to open my google reader to find the pretty pictures of the day, because im a lazy git. also, the opening of it would rape my brothers computer and the internet speed would go from a chicken crossing the road to the speed as which a rock moves. and when i say rock, i mean the big ones. that are stuck in the ground. they cannot be moved. ever. im sure you all get the idea (whoever you all are). So as a final offering, i give an image im fond of, because it is funny. i may have posted it before, but who cares? :D

1 comment:

None said...

i hope your friend is ok and that you get some sleep.

that picture is so cute!!!!!