So am nomming stuff. Some honey stars, chocolate, i has some mountain dew too. ive had a lot of jelly/jello and half a bag of CC's. i get hungry. sure it's a lot. i also had no money so one, i have too, of my vegetarian friends bought me a pie. we then proceeded to have a discussion about chicken juice. i was referring to gravy, but accidently said chicken juice and then we continued to call it that. i also had a very unpractical day. i havent done much homework this week. i wrote some english stuff, the final which is due tomorrow, but still havent finished it.
so had a crazy dream this morning. it started on a bus, where i helped this crazy fat lady with her kids. one was a little girl, one a boy with a weird shaped head, and a pair of siamese twins, which were more melded together than joined. they shared a body, but there were 2 faces where there should have been just one. the lady let me hang with her kids, but didnt want them back. i forced them back and went into the next room. after a while i was looking for the kids because i was worried and found a newborn laying on the floor crying, i picked it up and saw that the fat lady wasnt fat; the bady was hers. i gave her her baby and yelled at her. i woke up but fell back asleep and dreamt that i was at the school canteen and saw a friend of mine, who has really long hair, kind of a blond fro that grows down. he had short hair so i freaked out a little but woke up and had to have a shower for school.
So time to go finish my honey stars and chocolate. :D
the end!!