Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Christmas-Public-Holiday!

So today, the 27th, is the public holiday for christmas (which, i must admit sortve dies after puberty, because then you start to realise where the presents come from. they also start to slowly decrease in awesome because you know where they come from. either that or im just terrified people wont like the presents i get them, so I dont pay too much attention to my gifts...). Christmas-week was.. interesting. i went to church a lot. on tuesday, midnight mass on friday, saturday morning for christmas day and the usual sunday church. was... awesome? im joking. dont worry, this isnt a hate on jesus post. for one thing, i dont hate jesus. hate is also a strong word. i like the idea of christianity. it makes sense. thing is, its the same for most religions. love thy neighbor and always be on best behaviour...sort of thing... i think. Im a bit tired you see.

Well, wholemeal is back, and my ma is being super awesome about everything. im really grateful for letting us hang out, and letting him come around sometimes. its nice have people who are important to you get along. well.. the getting along where she doesnt mind him too much. except when he's retarded and comes over at 2am. ah well. im happy, he's happy.. and i hope my ma is happy.. but.. things are a little rocky, considering her state (which isnt as bad as it couldve been, but its not perfect. and i do try my best to take care of things, esp to do things when she asks..).

also, cant wait for uni. i might just end up feeling like a real boy! hahah.... im joking. im a girl. with girl parts. sometimes its sucky because, thanks to my girl parts, i get tired and hungry and sick and moody and hurt. but the rest of the time it's ok, because that means i dont get into fights. often. usually. and stuff.

Lastly, the highlight of today was being reminded by someone who i dont really know of the book i wrote a few years ago. yes. i wrote a book. it was sort of odd, with an anti-emo vibe that i wrote because i felt like my art style wasnt ready. i did develop the stroy through my art though, drawing the characters and having them do things together and whatnot. in short, its a recycled story, probably not very original.. but.. i wish i could pick it up again. i might. i think i'll get going now. merry christmas, happy new year and watch this space for hopeless random things :)

Monday, December 20, 2010

300th Post!

So yes. To kind of celebrate christmas and relive the awesomeness that is Burton, I got the soundtrack for the nightmare for christmas as well as convinced wholemeal to bring it as he comes back of the holiday break :) I am very excited and happy. Its been around four or five months of him being over there. Its had its ups and downs and now i can finally hug him and smack him upside the head when he's silly, instead of just telling him that i would if i were there. lets see... what else is there to share?
nothing much really. youtube had decided that it refuses to work on my computer, Im half broke from shopping for xmas stuff and things, but i also scored a deposit on some pants which are purple AND have elephants on them! i got elephant earrings yesterday and a few weeks back i scored a bracelet with back beads and silver elephants. i am addicted to those awesome animals.
nothing much else, apart from cramps and hunger. im tired so im going to have a rest now. catchaontehflipside internets! :D

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Bit of a Drama Queen

That's what I am. I can admit that on occasion, too frequent to be proud of, I have a drama queen moment. I overthink and i scare myself and end up crying or having a reaction that would be a little.. excessive. I mean, doesnt everyone from time to time act out a little bit too much? From missing wholemeal to missing tron, i tend to lose it a little too quickly. the cause of it all? Sometimes it's all thanks to our lovely friend, the monthly visitor, other times it's hunger, heat, dehydration or tiredness. Im going to roll around hating cramps and be close friends with this very expensive cup of noodles. cheery bye! proper update when i dont feel somewhat nauseous.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Hm, now what?

I finished (basically) harvest moon. Sure, my dog is yet to grow out of being a puppy, and ive yet to get those things that make cheese and yarn and stuff, but ive upgraded all the buildings in my farm, successfully fixed rick and I really cant be bothered to do much else. Sure, I’ll keep playing for the validation, and because I get bored easily, but I’m pretty proud of that fact that I got married before my second winter :P so yeeees.

Long week is long. Ive had to get up early, change and have a morning walk with my ma every day. She wants to get fit, and .. well.. I know im not the fittest one in the room. ive got my little round belly and big thighs and the general whassits to balance everything out. I cant help but give up sometimes.

Ah well. Also, I suggest everyone listens to goodbye rocketship by children collide. Its terribly awesome. That is to say that it has a mix to my liking of chillness, odd vocals that fit and the trippy factor. I really like it.

On a positive note, my ma is doing very well. Her mastectomy recovery is going good, and she refuses to stay home now her tubes are out. Its good. I try to help out, especially with the changing of gears and the handbrake when she drives, and stuff.

Anyway, my friends are flying the coop, growing up and leaving the country. Ill miss the crazy sons and daughters of bitches (a side note: they all aren’t leaving, well.. not yet anyway), but on the upside, wholemeal will be back soon J so it’s all going well. Cheery bye! :D

Friday, December 3, 2010

to die by your side...

is such a heavenly way to die.. The Smiths with There is a light that never goes out. good song. So, i sorted out most of my stuff that was lying around. I have this desk, you see, and until about an hour ago, it was covered in stuff. I have drawers on one side of this desk. These drawers, until about longer than an hour ago, were full of rubbish. I sorted out the problem, now i have things in good places with the top drawer full of wires and worky-stuff and the lower drawer with some random bobby-things, hairties and my makeup. yes. I have makeup now. Makeup and in powder things, eyeshadow, lippythings and other things to fix my physical appearance. things as in tweezers and stuff like that. so everything had a nice, proper place and tonight my clothes drawers and stuff will be sorted out. i need to throw out all my school stuff. YAY I GRADUATED YAY ME! :) im so awesome. i also have a pipe. i am hardcore. i saw it for $4, and was like /roll need. so now im awesomer, and am going to have a lie down, make roti and go to my first YWCA executive council meeting. :D also, my school ball is tomorrow. yay for being uber senior and going to the ball ^^ yes, on my own. because i can.