Friday, December 3, 2010

to die by your side...

is such a heavenly way to die.. The Smiths with There is a light that never goes out. good song. So, i sorted out most of my stuff that was lying around. I have this desk, you see, and until about an hour ago, it was covered in stuff. I have drawers on one side of this desk. These drawers, until about longer than an hour ago, were full of rubbish. I sorted out the problem, now i have things in good places with the top drawer full of wires and worky-stuff and the lower drawer with some random bobby-things, hairties and my makeup. yes. I have makeup now. Makeup and in powder things, eyeshadow, lippythings and other things to fix my physical appearance. things as in tweezers and stuff like that. so everything had a nice, proper place and tonight my clothes drawers and stuff will be sorted out. i need to throw out all my school stuff. YAY I GRADUATED YAY ME! :) im so awesome. i also have a pipe. i am hardcore. i saw it for $4, and was like /roll need. so now im awesomer, and am going to have a lie down, make roti and go to my first YWCA executive council meeting. :D also, my school ball is tomorrow. yay for being uber senior and going to the ball ^^ yes, on my own. because i can.

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