Friday, July 9, 2010

Oh hai.

Sorry for the Emo.. it had to go somewhere..

Hey there! Emo comic coming your way! I guess its quite not-very-good how attached I am to wholemeal now.. but thats ok.. Im sure Ill get over it eventually.. Had an interesting day, with the roaming around a teeny bit, and getting the supermarketing done is less than 10 minutes because Im a no-nonsense person when it comes to shopping (because Im relatively impatient...). After the shopping, I lazed about at home, then cooked in the afternoon.. Im hungry but I dont think Im allowed to touch the food.. conundrum.'s all i am.

So.. I really hate staying at home. It is gay. No.. Im going to stop using that word in that sense. There is nothing wrong with being gay. I change what I said to : I dont like staying at home because I get bored and feel lonely. I hate it. Ah well. I guess it's one of those things I have to live with I spose...
lookit! Im being deep nao with teh image posting..

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