Thursday, April 15, 2010


Well, im in a pretty good mood today, despite evil cramps. yes, i just told the internet about my cramps. ah well. i was apparently throwing murderous looks at people today, at the height of my pain. this is according to my brother, anyway. i wouldnt believe him. so above is after the movie. it was freaking awesome. i mean.. sure there are hollywood changes i dont think i agree with, like kickass getting the girl, but as a movie, it is very much kickass. i loved it. also, i was happy on sugar, so... yea. and then there was the supermarketing today, which was okay. apart from the fact that i couldnt find the cornflour i need, and the bleddy sugar was only in 4kg packs. who needs that much sugar? seriously. also, MHCC is retarded. yes, the building. the supermarket upsets me. is totally dictatored out. you can only go into the supermarket at one point now, and they blocked it off with railings. so.. when youre leaving, after getting your frozen goods, you have to go around the gawshdarn aisles to get to the checkout counters. is silly. i think whoever came up with that idea needs to be smacked upside the head. or be high fived in the face. check that image link for the lols :) myea. now i think i'll cook dinner and have a shower. because i can! :)

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