Thursday, April 15, 2010

Pouty? Mebbe ..

Guess who has an image problem?? Well, i raised my hand and shook it (yes, liek i just dont care :P ) and that means: "yes. i have an image problem". I'm sure this is a common problem, not just anywhere in particular, but everywhere in general. Dont believe me? Take a look in the mirror and tell me that there isnt a part of you that youd rather change. Dont lie to me, i know that theres something. thats perfectly fine if you do! personally, i have a similarity to Charlotte York, where i hate my thighs! Theyre uber huge, IMO. Ah well! Tis just something i've tried to change. but then i end up giving up because sometimes, i can be bothered to exercise most of the time. also, im flat. apparently it runs in the genes. greeeeat. i'll live with it. i also hate my hair. IS EVIL. In fact, there are a few blog posts about my hair. they arent the main subject of the posts, but they find their way in there. in short, im usually complaining about the retarded thing on my head. i hate it in general. its poofy when its short, and its too hot and literally heavy when is long. neggh. stupid being a girl ness thing. also. image ? this means clothes. i have an issue with the clothes i own. i have too few things that i actually like wearing. what do i like? jeans (to hide my legs, akshully) and tees. yes. tee shirts. cotton good! :D and.. well, i have the occasionally skirt for a hot day or church. apparently i dress like a tomboy. i have no real issues with this. i love my clothes. i also like the idea of wearing girly clothes, but i feel like mutton dressed as lamb in them. is like when i put on makeup, i feel fake. i draw the line at eyeliner. i dont even like lip balm. feels weird. yep. so i look like a boy: flat, shortish hair, tees and jeans, my posture is no help. but i do love earrings, fancy flat shoes, bangles, and i have a wide hip type area, thanks to my funny belly and thighs. so almost a proper chick. :) all i need is me some arm candy. but thats another blog post :)

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