Saturday, November 20, 2010


So. Im done with high school! well proper anyway. I won IB, i have a prelimary place at USP, im happy. apart from some stuff thats going wrong in general. No, im still with wholemeal.. but.. well.. idk if this should be here but my mam has breast cancer. it sucks. its early stages yet, and hasnt spread anywhere else, but it still isnt somethign anyone wants to happen. ah well.. i love you ma <3>
Oh my gawd, im never going to have maths again... damn. anyway, i plan on filling my days by filling a scrap book with recipes and stuff. because im hardcore. i might also need to develop a liking of prawns and learn how to make them into curry. damn. ah well.. guess ill have to anyway :P

Naw poor saturn, prolly stuck in an arranged marriage. Anyway, yes. Im at work, and im very glad to be back. i love sitting at the console, feeling uber important, and just doing my job. im also very excited to get back into program making. i missed it so much. so yea. im going to have to run across the room now ^^

POKEMANS! anyway.. yes. so nothing much has gone down.. apart from a few freak out, many long skype talks about nest to nothing, and several facewall days, and there have been many many long hours spent with my face next to my netbook screen as i play harvest moon. well, the more friends of mineral town one. because i want to play a chick, and i managted to nearly fix both the sad guy and the chicken farm guy :) im so awesome ^^ and i have the fixing skills :P just ask wholemeal ^^ WHOLMEAL WHO OWES THIS BLOG A POEM in case he's reading. hopeless silly boy who i cant get over :) and just a side note, thank you IMGFAV :D you make my day sometimes ^^

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