Monday, November 1, 2010

HolySmokes Thursday

So this has been happening to me a lot.. the missing that is. However a little more than a month and then he'll be back for me to drag around places that no one else will go with me, to keep me company in cabs and to shake his head when i order my 3rd coffee of the day. So yeah, Exams start, for me, on thursday afternoon with the worlds awesomest subject, imo, mathematics. Ive had an awesome teacher, and ive always loved the logic and the certainty of it all... lame? maybe but i really couldnt care less :)

So.. i had a really dark moment yesterday.. I crashed, burned, sent the worlds most emo email ever to Wholemeal, cried and was ever so close to facewalling, but then i fell asleep. the cause? its all me really. I tend to put myself down when im.. idk.. let down isnt the word, but i gues swhen things dont sort out the way theyre supposed to. the wont bore you with the details, im just going to share what i learnt from that experience.

The greatest critic in our lives are ourselves. Unless we believe it when people put us down, it wont affect us. and to put ourselves down is the worst thing that can ever happen. I know im not exactly the worlds greatest person, but im an ok chick. there wasnt anyone else to tell me to calm down but him.. its odd in a way that hes the only one id believe. my family are biased.. but honestly to have someone, who cares when he doesnt have to, who points out the best things about you, and he worst things he'll tell you arent really bad or he tries to help you overcome those things. its nice, better than anything i could ever hope for or ask for.. and i know that thats why i dont care about the distance. :)

alrighty then. Serious panicking is over, the locking down and nailing self to desk to study has started. i have 3 weeks before im done with high school. Im so excited, but i have been warned that at the end of it all, its anti-climatic... english teachers really know how to make your day, dont they? :P Im being silly.. and to clear things up, it was my english teacher that told me that the end was going to be anitclimatic. she told her whole class (around 10 people). i guess its her way of caring :P alrighty, see ya round internets :)

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