Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Oh look! A new post!


I've had school. I'm also very lazy (Je suis tres paresseuse... Desolee!). I guess I cbf updating but I thought that it would be nice not to forget Fifi, who I made just for a certain person who has something to do with bread, but not really. I don't uberly miss him, I just think it sucks that I havent seen him in about three days. For some people, like me, three days seems like a lot. I guess it's lame because he's fifteen minutes away and I still can't see him.

School is school is school. Its not too bad. Sure, I've been keeping up with everything except the readings and whatnot, but I'm still doing the work (yay me!). In between reading, sleeping and breathing, school is all I have. Speaking of sleeping, it's been so cold (23C, which is freezing for me)
that getting up in the morning is incredibly difficult, not to mention not dying every time I leave the common room at school. I should really find myself some socks... Well, cheery-bye and goodnight, Internets. I hope to update tomorrow, with more Fifi (if I'm not curled up in bed hiding from the "cold").

cute baby animals - But Can You Eat It in One Bite?
Oh my goodness, doggie with a funny faaaaaace! :D

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