Friday, June 11, 2010

Im feeling a little woozy

So i didnt go to school today. I felt very... ill. that is to say that nausea caught up with me. I did manage t do todays drawing. Yay for elephants! (like megh). Who is Megh? Meghdutt is the elephant i made up in the books i made for art. Technically, saying his name spoils all four of the books (hehe im so proud of myself). the story is that he goes in search of a name, and gets given one at the end. hes a very silly little elephant, but you have to admire his dedication. he ends up in an alternate dimension and gets freaked out by a creepy evil elephant, gets picked on by Durga, helps out a lady because her washing line had fallen down and gets to meet god.

I was flipping through Vanity Fair (march 2010) and found some article about the 100 women who were responsible for the colouring of practically everything in Snow White (the Disney one). I then found of that they had this interesting book. I vote that everyone sees it. Its a cute little 20 page type thing, with pretty little retro (well, it was around wartime so wasnt retro then) drawings. is very noice :)

Damn you Blizz. You've made the best part of WoW into a mug. Yes, i love murlocs. Theyre adorable and cute and awesome and although im sure many have died at my own "hands", i cant get over the baby ones. theyre too cute. See the pic on right for the adorableness.

So have a sign for the lulz. Lastly, i have little to say. I give you my worse nightmare, and yes, it is tetris related. So have a good day, readers. I hope y'all have a good weekend :)

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