Monday, June 28, 2010

Happy Monday!

So... hi there!Im quite bored. Ive only just had my coffee kick in. The coffee I finished what.. an hour ago? Stupid coffee. All these delayed reactions and whatnot. Is so silly.

So i was reading a blog of this person who I know, I wouldnt say that shes a friend.. because... I dont exactly.. Well.... Honestly? I really dont like her. As a person. Sure, it sounds bitchy.. but is true. I made a list of things that I have to get done during the semester break... It goes something like:
  • get a lamp
  • find brother a fishbowl for his birthday
  • Finish my EE
  • get drivers license thingo
  • get my netbook fixed
  • make my bedroom ceiling less boring

So yes... I have to do a few other things.. but I cant remember what they are. Ah well :)

1 comment:

Sharky said...


*runs away to cry in a corner*

sob! sob!...sniffle.

:( sian doesnt like me.

*wipes tears*
