Saturday, February 27, 2010

So let's be positive!

Yes yes. I'm going to try wax optimistic. Maybe that's because I've just realized what an awesome movie Superbad is. Is totally a dude movie, but i appreciate. It's an uber buddy-movie type thing. Yeah. So I was feeling kind of down most of today, thanks to the uhm... what am I calling him? The Shiny Goldfish, who was actually renamed Senor Fuzzyboots, by me because I'm awesome like that, and well, I figure it was one of those days today. Maybe because i have a friend who has many dudes trailing behind her, and sometimes I hope she realizes it, because she's awesome, and totally deserves the best guy ever. So, i guess I'm lucky I don't have her problem with the whole trail thing, which is a bonus, but I'm glad to have her as a friend. I also had a running series of emails from my mother that also brightened my day. yes. That's all I have to say about that. I might die of positive overdose if I'm not careful. See you round, internets.

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