Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Some Sian-y upates for yewwwse.

Firstly, I moved Comics in a Jar to wordpress. Im sorry, google. I love you, Id totally have a chromebook, and I cant look at any other kind of phone without going "it's not as cool as my baby andy". But wordpress makes it easier to read. This has been tested with teh challenged of our community (boys who couldnt navigate the previous site.)

Secondly, Im teaching myself the ukulele. Im working my way towards a banjolele (Damn you, QI). It's fun and her name is Lillian and one day I might actually figure out the B chord and figure out strumming patterns. it's only my second day so yes. Ive managed to learn tuning and G, C, D and a few other easy chords. I learnt the 20s intro for Adventure time so thats kewwwll. I think so anyway lol.

And started uni yesterday so years looking full and i guess will have too many things to worry about between making sure Andy, Gorram, Lillian and Ceecee are going good. Also known as spending time with my phone, stuffed elephant, my ukulele and my laptop doing little more than nothing.

Hope everyone else is going good :D

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