Sunday, August 22, 2010

Wholemeals Ideas

2. something (a person in heart-print boxers) posing in front of a tank

So.. tonight I was a-talking to wholemeal and he was going on about how he missed Fifi being part of the blog, and then I drew her for him. Then I drew her with a Hilter 'stache... which was probably his idea. Then I asked for more ideas for drawing things, so he said to do : 1. a sitting cat with a che guevara hat, 2. something happening in front of a tank, 3. something to reflect how society, mindlessly removes what is said to be "unacceptable" (for example people getting rid of graffiti despite it being awesome looking and whatnot). Well, at least thats what I think 3 was supposed to be...

3. society and their mindless opposition to graffiti

I had fun doing these, and yes I did use the magic of Google for reference pictures of Che's hat, a cat sitting up and a tank. I cant draw animals so i needed the picture of the cat, I dont usually draw war-related things and/or vehicles, so that why i googled the tank, and I wanted to be safe with the hat... its an important hat. Overall the cat was my favourite to draw... IDK why yet.. alrighty, nighty night from me :)

1. Fifi, every one's favourite cat as the Sitting Che Cat :D

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