Friday, July 16, 2010

It's almost over..

I've been watching that Yellow Submarine movie again.. So while watching last night, drew this up because I'm avoiding the left over school work I have to do before school starts again. I promise myself that I'll work on some of it tonight.
I've been having a few good days so far. Work has been productive, I went out last night with some friends, had a good time (I still feel as if I'm not being a good enough friend to Chocolate Milk, Milkshake and Salmon... I'm sure I'll make it up to Chocolate Milk on Saturday :D ) and then I came home and crashed and it was nice :)
There isn't much to report, and I hope the last post wasn't too much... I know I should've at least tried to bung a picture in there... but I was lazy :P

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