Saturday, June 12, 2010

Im so darn awesome.

First of all, here is G! Yay G! And thank you to the anonymous poster. It means a lot that theres some gang out there that like my blog. It makes my awesome day awesomer :)

Today, my mam got back from DC. She gave me my first (proper) designer dress. It's my first (proper) little black dress. Im over the moon. Not only that, I was late to work today (I called ahead of time, Im not silly) because I was coffee-ing with my Mam when she says something like "we go and yet your nose pierced now?". So we did :) And I am now with a nose piercing. Im so darn awesome.

So I was stuck at work, by myself, for four hours, and got to drawing, and thats where these three comics came from. I had had coffee (intentional repetition? oh noes!) so I was feeling a little energetic. So yes. I hope the comics make sense :)

Finally, The A Team movie was very awesome. I like Murdoch. Hes crazy awesome. And when one says crazy, one means it. So yea, Im going to facebook a little then sleep like nobody's business. Good night, Internet :)

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