Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I do like things!

Despite being often discontent with the world in general, there are many things I do really really like. I will list a few :)

- my friends, especially the likes of Salmon, Milkshake, Chocolate Milk and Ryssa
- warm, happy hugs that seem to last forever
- cappuccinos
- chill music
- my dog
- seeing weeds sticking out of the pavement
- grape lollipops
- sleeping in on a cold, rainy morning
- warm cream buns with a cold coca-cola
- the colour of the sky just after the sun comes up on a clear day
- the sound of the sea
- the smell of lemons
- long conversations with eloquent, funny people
- red wine
- memories of my dad
- old photograph albums
- the smell of books
- soft, cotton tee shirts
- tetris

these are some things I love, yes... love. I am capable of that emotion. I admit it :)

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