Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I'm (not) okay

well, i am really. i lied right there. i'm fine actually, apart from a bit of light headed-ness from lying upside down while on the phone. i had a $7 phone call RE: New Years. as i go to an international school, most people are out of suva because they can afford it. so there is just me, skelletor the magnificent, and potato left for the partying. we have planned to go to the movies new years eve. rather, to get pizza, watch a movie, spike potato's drink and watch her being silly-faced. we are making the assumption that potato can't hold liquor well. i raised the point that she should eat before spiking. i was only talking to skelletor at this point, so there. she then realised my genius and we have decided that food is good. i hope the lovely bones is going to be good. it's what we plan on seeing. if it's lame i will be sad for wasting my new years eve.
last night, due to insomnia, i decided to work on my new art book. well, i drew the borders and numbered every page. yes. all 120 of them. i was bored. i didnt know what to do really. i've been mind full really lately. there are too many things to worry and think about. school fees, uniforms, rent, bills, people, friends, work, home, and well... i'm trying to figure out some stuff for myself. so yeah. very hectic becoming an adult is. yes, i'm turning 18 in 2010. and i'm s**t-scared. yes yes. very scared. of becoming older. oh well.
i would like to confess that hypocrisy should be my religion. i thrive on it. i believe in it. i feel that it's also the thing that i will never stop laughing at. i can talk like a retard on crack (am sorry if this offends, but am uber good at playing dumb), but still stop and yell at someone who mispronounces something or has bad grammar. as mentioned previously, i go to an international school where english is not always the first language. i have to stop myself from correcting the english of those around me sometimes. it's almost painful when someone says something that makes no grammatical sense. the again, i slip from time to time yay hypocrisy!
they did it wrong.
should be "a d" silly peoples :P

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