Saturday, September 24, 2011

am i bluuuue...

So yes, I am alive... and the bottom drawing was done first and the top done to snap myself out of the blueness... 
and yes, I have been doing stuff but only UBER TOP SECRET WONDER BR- I mean, stuff that I dont think are really relevant to the blog :)

but doan worry... i will be doing more relevant stuff JUST FOR Y'ALL :D

Monday, September 19, 2011

So I was thinking

Since I was wonderign about my art.. and what I could do with it, I was thinking about doing commissions.

Ive already got some lined up (by abusing friendships and my adorably chubby face) and working on books with guidance is a challenge.. but a worthwhile one.

So yes.. feedback would be nice.. and any requests will be considered (just so y'all know :D)

I'm mostly working on custom books... which a little, coffee table top kind of things.

You know you want one :D


Sunday, September 4, 2011

issues with the blog post construction process

what do you do when you have all these ideas in your head and so few people who would listen and fewer who care. by few i mean 1 because we share everything.

i was going to blog about having no dad on fathers day but... who would listen or care? just one.

i was going to get upset and write a whiny thing but who would listen or care? not one. not even he, not even me. whiny statements are meant to be put down, deleted. they dont deserve to take space up in your head.

i worry, i cry, i break down, i repair, i live. i live in cycles. i live in parts. i organise. it works :)

i wanted to use this blog for art. i force time for it.

i miss a proper structure.