Saturday, September 11, 2010

Make up post

funny dog pictures-cant touch this!  dun dun dun dun

So yeah, hi! I did, while doing avoidance activities, try to update my silly blog, but my computer wouldnt load blogger :( so i had a sad then was like "meh, is ok". I have been drawing, but those updates will come later.. So this is simply like one of those make-up posts because of all the missing out ive been doing... much like makeup sex after a fight! (im just assuming, i really have no idea.. im just trying to tie into the next image)

So yes... i guess i really dont have much to say. Ive finished mocks, which means i have monday relatively free, but will muck about anyway... had uhm... a stellar time last night. This means that i tried my hardest to have fun inbetween the shame imposed by adult people mixed with my tiredness from end of exams. Silly wholemeal wasnt even online after that because he was sleeping... the nerve of some people... (im just joking, but timezones are still a bitch). Now a goggie picture :D good luck to me for work! GOOD LUCK TO MEEeeee!

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