Saturday, March 27, 2010

Darn you internets!

you know what the weird thing is? when you blog because you think i'd be better to hide stuff on the internet, but turns out that it doesnt. it used to. ah well. im not too bothered but people reading the stuff, is just i think i might have to figure that the stuff i blog isnt too retarded. why? so that i dont transfer the "speshul" virus from my head into the heads of other people.
feeling still very up today, apart from a slip-up on my own part when i used the wrong tone with my mam. she's tired... has been working in the rurals this week and had to work this morning too. but will be better because will be hanging with awesome friend at the movies and then at hers. hopefully tonight will be okay and i dont have some crazy moods or anything. i mean, seriously. sometimes my head is off. well... most of the time.
but back to the positive :) im happy and hope to be for a long while after this. the main problem will be the telling of the mam. im scared she'll flip because it's an exam year, or something or anything. negh. then again, hugs will always be awesome IMO. :)
(see? i ended on a happy note!)

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