Friday, October 9, 2009

Fiji Day (Tomorrow)

So tomorrow is the anniversary of our Independence from ye olde englande. So something. I never payed much attention in history because its a boring subject and i couldn't be bothered to learn about dates and boring dead people. I was better at social science and geography..

So nothing happened today. I went to school, did homework, has classes, has awesome assembly where there were some people who jumped about with the dancing and Fijian singing and guys without shirts on.

But nothing much else. And was the last one off the bus again. I don't like it. I always am. First on in the morning and last off in the arvo. I wait for about one hour before i get off. I'm not complaining just saying. And zoned out a bit nearly my stop and the driver nearly passed it. So yeah.

okies dokies. i drew the flag... kinda. I was bored and didn't feel like drawing or colouring properly. Ah well. :)

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